Further Resources
Some links that may help you further on your webmaking journey! All are organized or semi-organized into a category I think fits them best, feel free to click the buttons below to find what you're looking for!
These are all the resources I personally tend to use or enjoy a lot.
Tagged as: basic | Snippets | June Favourite
Lots of easy beginner stuff as well as some snippets to help you learn
Tagged as: basic | June Favourite
A good HTML/CSS/JS reference site
Tagged as: basic | Misc
A place where you can ask questions on how to do things, it's been around for a while so make sure to search for your query first before asking
Tagged as: Programs
Like Codepen (online code editor) but you don't need an account
Tagged as: basic | Snippets | June Favourite
Easy and quick sheet giving a quick rundown of flexbox related things
Tagged as: basic
A huge CSS cheat sheet
Tagged as: Generator
A box shadow generator
Tagged as: Generator | June Favourite
A text stroke generator using text shadow
Tagged as: Generator
A CSS transformations generator
Tagged as: Generator
A CSS matrix (3d) generator
Tagged as: Generator | June Favourite
A generator that puts <span> tags around each letter of a word you've put in, super helpful for stuff like tumblr wobble and princess text
Tagged as: Generator | June Favourite
A border radius generator that gives you control over 8 points, makes it easier to create unique shapes
Tagged as: Generator
A CSS clip-path maker
Tagged as: Generator
A CSS gradient maker
Tagged as: Generator
Generates a bunch of lorem ipsum text based on how many paragraphs of it you want, great for placeholder stuff
Tagged as: Generator
BBCode and HTML text colouriser, creates text gradients by wrapping each letter in a <span> styled in the order of a gradient
Tagged as: Generator
Allows you to create elements in a neumorphism style
Tagged as: Generator
Allows you to create custom dashed and dotted borders
Tagged as: Template
Sadgrl's layout builder
Tagged as: Generator | Template | June Favourite
Petrapixel's layout generator, is more accessible than Sadgrl's and has more options
Tagged as: Template
Neocities Layouts
Tagged as: Template
Eggramen's layouts
Tagged as: Template
A layout mimicing wiki sites like fandom
Tagged as: Generator | Graphics
Websets by Lynn, featuring graphics, glitter text generators and an 88 x 31 button maker
Tagged as: Template | Snippets
Helps you set up a blog for your site, has some themes you can choose from
Tagged as: Template
Helps you set up a template for your comic
Tagged as: Snippets | June Favourite
Lets you add comment sections on your website
Tagged as: Snippets | June Favourite
Frills' moderation add-on for ayano's comment widget
Tagged as: Snippets | June Favourite
My Admin Mark add-onn for ayano's comment widget
Tagged as: Fonts
A font collection database
Tagged as: Fonts
Google fonts
Tagged as: Fonts
An archived collection of fontworks fonts
Tagged as: Fonts
Some fonts hosted on neocities
Tagged as: Fonts
The Tamagotchi Connections font
Tagged as: Fonts
Splattoon 1 and Splattoon 2 fonts
Tagged as: Generator | Graphics
Generate your own blinkies
Tagged as: Graphics
Animated gifs from geocities
Tagged as: Graphics
A gif collection
Tagged as: Accessibility | Misc
Checks your site for dead links
Tagged as: Misc | June Favourite
A text replacer
Tagged as: Misc
Blend two colours together
Tagged as: Graphics | June Favourite
Sprite rips from a wide variety of games
Tagged as: Misc | Accessibility
Embeds iframes in a responsive manner
Tagged as: Misc | June Favourite
A museum of web design, great for inspiration
Tagged as: Snippets
A working coded Nintendo Ds
Tagged as: Snippets
A pet for your website
Tagged as: Snippets
Like a tamagotchi but NOT! can have them chill on your site
Tagged as: Snippets
Code for a cat that can follow your cursor
Tagged as: Snippets
Share your mood with the world
Tagged as: Snippets | June Favourite
Share a status with the world
Tagged as: Snippets
A nekoweb exclusive version of status.cafe
Tagged as: Snippets
Allows you to add a poll to your website
Tagged as: Libraries
CSS framework recreating Windows 7
Tagged as: Libraries
CSS Framework recreating Windows XP
Tagged as: Libraries
CSS Framework recreating Windows 98
Tagged as: Libraries
CSS Framework based on System 6 of Apples OS system
Tagged as: Libraries
Allows things to be animated as you scroll down
Tagged as: Programs
A code editor
Tagged as: Programs | June Favourite
A code editor
Tagged as: Programs
A code editor
Tagged as: Misc
A database of game UI's, good for inspiration
Tagged as: Misc | June Favourite
Share (heavily compressed) pictures with your friends
Tagged as: basic | Accessibility | June Favourite
A HTML validator
Tagged as: Snippets
Scripts to make a quiz on your website
Tagged as: Libraries
Googles material icons
Tagged as: Libraries | June Favourite
Lucide icons
Tagged as: basic | Accessibility | Misc | June Favourite
An accessibility resource that makes sure you have enough contrast between the background, link text and normal text if you're removing the underline from the link
Tagged as: Template
W3Schools responsive templates
Tagged as: Template
Beepbird's responsive templates
Tagged as: Snippets
Kalechips code snippets
Tagged as: Template
Kalechips responsive layouts
Tagged as: Snippets | Misc
Kalechips coding projects, including: a fake but accessible listography clone (with added features), a gallery genertator as well as some PHP snippets
Tagged as: Template
Punkwasp's templates
Tagged as: Libraries
A library of css animations
Tagged as: Generator | Misc
A lorem ipsum generator but focused around cake
Tagged as: Libraries | June Favourite
A library which styles syntax within code blocks to be highlighted, used on the code blocks in the resources page of this website
Tagged as: basic | Accessibility |
A website which evaluates your code for accessibility errors
Tagged as: Misc
A website which lists everyone with a 'now' page, a concept which says what a person is focused on at that part of their life.
Tagged as: Fonts
Fields of Mistria font.
Tagged as: Snippets
Allows you to add a canvas drawing area, where people can draw images and submit them to you.
Tagged as: basic
API documentaton for any language / framework. You can use the search section for what you're looking for, and download it offline.
Tagged as: Snippets
An add-on to drawbox that adds moderation
Tagged as: Fonts
A website that helps you with pairing fonts
Tagged as: Fonts
A gallery that curates fonts that are under some kind of free license
Tagged as: Misc
Search a brand, and it will give you colour palettes based on that search term
Tagged as: Accessibility | Generator | Misc
A website that generates random accessible colour combinations that meet contrast guidelines.
Tagged as: Fonts
A font website where all fonts are free for commercial and personal use
Tagged as: Fonts
Free fonts from dirtylinestudio
Tagged as: Fonts
Another font related website
Tagged as: Libraries
The 'ultimate icon library', having lists of many other icon libraries within the website
Tagged as: Misc
A website with cool abstract shapes you can download and use
Tagged as: Misc
A web design inspiration website
Tagged as: Misc
A web design inspiration website
Tagged as: Programs
A code editor